Logos are a hugely important aspect of branding. It’s one of the first things that potential clients see when they check out your website or look at your business card. Logos can say a lot with very few words — some logos don’t have any wording at all. You can accomplish much with a logo, so don’t underestimate this powering branding tool.
If you’re not sure where to begin when designing your own, consider a wolf logo! Wolves are powerful apex predators that live in packs. These animals are all about teamwork, a value that could be important to your brand. They can also encourage unity, and a wolf head logo can even inspire some thoughts of dogs. They are man’s best friend, after all, and what better way to show that your company is loyal than with a wolf face as a logo?
There are several benefits to using a wolf logo. Now that you’re aware of a few of them, get inspired to create your own logo template by the wolf logo examples below.
7 wolf logo design examples and ideas to inspire your next creation
Wolverhampton Wanderers FC
The Wolverhampton Wanderers Football Club, lovingly referred to by their fans as the Wolves, is a British football club based out of Wolverhampton. The team has played on their name to create their wolf logo design.
The combination of yellow and black is quite striking, as is the simple design. This is proof that you don’t need to go overboard with the details when it comes to creating a wolf mascot. The tilted eyes on the wolf head are fierce and give off the vibe that this is one team you don’t want to mess with. The geometric hexagon surrounding the wolf head also makes this animal logo pop.
Also read: 10 Best Lion Logo Examples that Roar Away the Competition
Copenhagen Wolves
The Copenhagen Wolves are an online sports club based in Denmark. Some of the biggest esports stars in Denmark are members of the club, and they participate in a large range of computer games. This isn’t about a bunch of guys playing sports online for fun. They compete in major tournaments that take place across Europe. The club has an impressive logo that features an angry wolf.
The sports club also takes advantage of the black and yellow color scheme, which works great for sports logos. It’s no surprise that the club sells t-shirts with their wolf mascot on them. This esports club clearly wants to intimidate their competitors and they do a good job of it with their gray and black wolf design.
Wolfs Company
According to their website, Wolfs Company contributes toward the development of a sustainable economy through the use of evidence-based research. They hope to encourage others to think about how humans affect the natural environment. What better way to show that they care about the planet than to use an animal logo?
This wolf head logo is very simple and is made with one line that is shaped to form a wolf silhouette. Sometimes you don’t need a complicated logo to get your point across, and this business logo made with clean line art is a great example.
Wolf Web Design
Wolf Web Design specializes in, you guessed it, web design. They also offer assistance in marketing and can help you grow and scale your business. Their logo concept is eye-catching, thanks to the wolf silhouette that features all the colors in a rainbow. If the attention to detail they put into their logo is any indication of their level of professionalism, you’ll be in good hands.
Their use of several colors shows that you don’t need to stick to just one or two in your logo template. Because the wolf face is a solid color, it works really well alongside the rainbow mane.
Hartford Wolfpack
The Hartford Wolfpack is an American Hockey League (AHL) sports team. It’s another team that utilizes a howling wolf head as their logo, and it even features snarling teeth in the design. If they’re trying to show their competitors that they aren’t a sports team to be messed with, they did an excellent job of it.
This howling wolf is made up of gray and blue tones, and it also includes the name of the team in red. Red and blue are an impressive color combination and one that you could consider using in your own wolf logo designs.
Wolf Sports
Wolf Sports is a sports media company that focuses on the NFL, NFL Draft, and fantasy football. They use the wolf in their logo as a way to let their readers know that they are loyal and on their site, they insist that will treat them “as wolves, not as sheep.”
This wolf logo is a lot subtler than some of the other logo formats on this list. It sits at the base of a large “W,” which stands for the Wolf in their company name. It’s a howling wolf, that could be perceived as howling out for its fellow wolfpack members. It’s a nice play on the fact that they want to bring their readers together into their pack.
Blue Buffalo
Blue Buffalo is a business that makes food for pets that is made out of natural and healthy ingredients. They have a line called Blue Wilderness, which they say is a dog food that’s high-protein and meat-rich. Their logo may feature a bison on it, but the Blue Wilderness line has a large photo of a wild wolf on it.
Their offerings for puppies feature a brown wolf with striking blue eyes, while their adult dog food has a white wolf with gray markings. While their logo doesn’t have any wolf head design elements, the picture speaks for itself. When you see the white wolf, you know it’s Blue Wilderness by Blue Buffalo.
Now create your wolf logo
Now that you’ve got some inspiration, it’s time to create your very own wolf logo. As you get started, don’t be afraid to play around with the design elements, and definitely try out a few free logo builders to see how you do. You can also use free resources such as clipart and design vector graphics to make a wolf logo your own.
Even if you’re a graphic design beginner, there are many ways to create a professional wolf logo yourself. Many logo builders will let you upload PNG and custom typography and wolf logo vector illustrations to help you create something unique.
Whether you want to create a team logo for your backyard softball league, or a howling wolf for your new startup, this wild animal is a great way to show what you’re all about. Happy designing!
About the author
Molli Sébrier is a writer at Creatiwitt. When not writing, you can find her in a café with a coffee in her hand and her nose in a book.